introducing New AI
for Farming assistant


CAN be used for multipe accounts in one computer

The GOTWIC BOT is a safe tool to farm and collect daily rewards inside Game of thrones Winter is comting without needing to login or switch between accounts, you can use up to 100 accounts using one computer!

PO Buff

When the account is part of alliance that got Kingslanding, you can give buff to requested users automatically like R+, B+ etc

rewards Collecting

The BOT will give you the ability to collect the reward for all your accounts at once rather than collecting them manually

Auto Gathering

when you run the bot you can customise your troops to gather resources that you need automatically

Upgrade Buildings

You can upgrade all buildings or set priority to upgrade the castle to lvl 25, this is ideal for farming accounts

Traning Troops

You can set  daily training and select what Type and how many troops to train

Transfer resources

You can transfer automatically to any account in the same alliance daily or when the resources reach certain amount

Auto Help

When players in your alliance click help to speed up the time, the bot will help them automatically and also to gain alliance coins for future use

Rebel Leader

You can set up daily attack on Rebel leaders and rebel group also you can set the formation that you prefer to perform the daily attack

Auto Truce

You can set up automatic enabling the truce to avoid other players from attacking your farm account and take all resources that you gathered recently

Safe to use

the BOT is safe to be used on any account you have so don't worry


Daily Tasks

You can complete the daily tasks to achieve more rewards and also you can set a goal how difficult the task should be completed

And more

There're a lot of futures, and functions you can discover them by your self, feel free to use the trail version.

Gathering Resources


A short video to show how the gathering resources works


BOT Gallery

Please check our discord server for more info

Our community is growing!

We are proud that GOTWIC BOT ganing good reputation with many players, most of our clients came to us by an invite from their friends
if this is the first time for you visting our website we highly recommend to try the trial version first

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